you know the drill - as i write this on Sunday, i'm still a little delirious and off-beat from another Awesome Games Done Quick, which has turned the start of my year into a delightful week-long snow day (in part thanks to all the actual snow around me) and raised another $2.5 million for charity. you know why you clicked on this, so i'm not going to yap through an intro, i'm going to get right into what i thought about the marathon, and i'm going to start with a big swing on what i felt like the vibe was - wistfulness, weirdly enough? but like, in a good way?
we'll get into it in a few runs on the list (including the very first entry, which is kind of what clicked this mood into place for me early on), but yeah, positive wistfulness. not a longing for some rose-tinted yesteryear, but a sense of being at a high enough vantage point to really admire how far you've come. 2024 was an amazing year for GDQ's marathons as they continued to make leaps and bounds with their technical prowess, and you could really see them taking that confidence and seeing how far they could push the envelope with AGDQ 2025. it was something the crew talked about with such beaming excitement in the event recap before the final run, and i think that energy really came through the screen for the entire event. there were some pretty amazing firsts throughout the marathon, whether it was massive blow-your-mind moments or subtle experimentation with the actual formatting of the stream.
on a less chipper note, perhaps some of that wistfulness also came from rotations within GDQ's 'in-house' talent. i've been watching since AGDQ 2018, and we're now at a point where plenty of people have passed the baton to fresh new faces. the one that really got the biggest moment on the stream this week was the announcement that GDQ's prize presenter for the last thirteen years, Sent, will be heading up to 'head of event programming'.
i tend not to talk much about GDQ's interstitial segments in my big lists - these posts started as an evolution of me trying to recap speedruns to my friends, and i still want them to be useful as quick "here, look at this and pick a YouTube video to throw on" cheat sheets for those who don't have the same type of brain that makes them keep these marathons on 24/7. without a doubt, though, the interstitial moments have always been an important component of what defines the feel of GDQ to me. i can't begrudge people who don't like it, and i'm not saying every joke lands, but there's an earnestness to it all that ties back into the reasons i love GDQ in the first place. this is a charity marathon that raises millions of dollars twice a year, with increasingly refined production standards, and they still find the time to goof off and do weirdly elaborate, vaguely public access TV-esque bits as part of all that, as an extension of their love for these good causes. if i tried to recap every time a prize presentation managed to catch me off-guard and get me giggling over the years, we'd be here all day, so long story short; if being head of event programming means being the prismatic lens that focuses the ever-growing excitement and dedication of this team, i can't think of anyone better equipped to do the job than the prize wizard, and i look forward to just how weird and wild GDQ will be able to get.
zooming out from that a bit, and focusing on the here and now (or rather, the here and last week) - Games Done Quick continues to keep thriving and making itself a cornerstone of my year in so, so many ways. not only was the schedule packed in terms of amazing games and even more amazing runners, but the positivity of the whole event really stood front-and-center all week long. i don't want to dwell too much, but the world is a pretty bleak and scary place right now - there were pieces of news that came out during GDQ that i think would have put me in a really dark place mentally if not for having some kind of counterbalance. to see an event built around channeling passionate communities towards amazing collective feats means a lot to me, and GDQ's non-negotiable commitment to supporting marginalized people even when the world seems dedicated to trying to lurch backwards really means a lot to me.
enough sentimentality around here, though, this is the funny blog where you go to see my ten favorite speedruns of GDQ, and where i continue to fudge the numbers just a bit with extended recommendations because the schedule's just that good. let's get into it!
as mentioned above, this day 1 run was what really got me into a "damn, we've come a long way" mindset, in a few different ways. Wind Waker is a game that i grew up with (even if little baby FIXT could barely get past Forsaken Fortress), and on top of that, it has a lot of sentimental GDQ value, too - Linkus's 100% run of Wind Waker HD is still one of my favorite memories of staying up entirely too late to see the full six hours. it's also a game that i associate very strongly with speedrunning - before i was even watching GDQ, i was peripherally aware of things like its infamous unskippable Hyrule barrier. now? barrier skip isn't just real, but it's gone from a complex method of deloading objects to a different complex method of precise in-game positioning. super swims have gone from PAUSA-spam to raw feats of human endurance. zombie hovers have been absolutely revolutionized by ancient strats rediscovered in the most unlikely places. even if none of these words mean anything to you yet, Linkus7 is a fantastic runner and commentator who showcases the way this game continues to evolve 22 years past its launch, and i cannot recommend this particular run highly enough as a showcase of the Zelda community's collective talents.
it was a pretty amazing week for Zelda runs overall! Tears of the Kingdom's all dungeons route made its massive mainstage debut just like i've been hoping for, meaning i can now pivot into saying someone ought to submit ToTK lockout bingo. i also have to shout out Echoes of Wisdom and its matching glitch exhibition, featuring many of the same runners breaking down how the latest entry in the series has already seen some fascinating developments just over the past handful of months.
the intense, attitude-tinged PS2 mascot platforming chaos of Ratchet and Clank might not be the first game that'd come to mind as a 'cozy' run, but... yeah, no, this one's weirdly cozy? in tackling the daunting challenge of maxing out a save file, Xem gets to showcase a wide range of glitches, whether it's technical platforming or integer overflowing. even as someone who hasn't played them in ages, there is something very familiar and cozy about the Ratchet and Clank series, and a run this long is an opportuntity to immerse myself back into that world, not to mention it leaves plenty of time for some of the funniest commentary of the marathon (to paraphrase Xem - when you're almost three hours deep, the game starts to feel like Subway Surfers running in the corner).
oh, and Xem's also like, an accomplished opera singer! and he gets to do a whole opera section from one of these games at the end! dude planned out choreography and everything! a recurring element of this GDQ was getting to see runners flexing their other talents, particularly musical talents, and as the event recap pointed out, it was a really fun capstone to the run that also felt like a fascinating moment of watching GDQ step up their production flow in real time.
while we're talking 3D platformers, i absolutely have to shout out a weird little race of a weird little game that i feel like people slept on - Rabbids Go Home. as a chronic Nintendo Power reader circa 2009, this is one of those games i never actually played but have a lot of third-hand memories of, and seeing it played out was an absolute treat, especially because it seems honestly pretty good, all things considered? i will watch any Jaxler run and doubly so for any run with "Joe Biden Skip".
showcasing the weirdest and wildest ways to play video games fast has been a long-time GDQ staple. whether your controls are dog-based or drum-based, blindfolded or shared with a friend, there's a vast scene of people finding ways to not just speedrun a game, but to do so wth some pretty absurd levels of flourish. perhaps one of the most absurd yet is this run of New Super Mario Bros. Wii. i clocked early on from the schedule that this was going to be a weird set-up, but i could never have predicted how weird - that "while" in the category is an important qualifier, because Wes just happens to be doing a lovely synchronized soundtrack, with all the actual Mario controls mapped to a tilt of his head and a press of his foot. that he can accomplish all this and play smoothly while still having a coherent conversation with his commentators feels like genuine, real world Professor X levels of mental focus to someone like me, and stepping it up further with the additional blindfolded run of 1-1 at the end might as well be actual sorcery.
honestly, this might have been the most competitive slot on this list, because there were a few stunning runs played with alternative control methods this AGDQ! Breath of the Wild's 2-players-1-controller run was astonishing to watch unfold, doubly so when it became clear that the two players were syncing up gyroscopic aiming, and for all its inherent comedy, watching Elden Ring played on an electric saxophone was a one-of-a-kind showcase.
tomatoangus (the g is silent, folks) has been a long-running favorite of mine at GDQs ever since his legendary Fallout anthology run at AGDQ 2020, but having played and developed a deep love for New Vegas in the intervening years, i think this particular slice of the wasteland holds up amazingly well on its own, especially under such unique conditions. to have this particular runner with this particular naming kerfuffle playing through a category where he has to dance around describing rendezvous with characters like Fisto and Dazzle feels like the fates aligning a little bit. comedic timing and dramatic roses aside, this hybrid route combining a whistle-stop tour of one-night stands with the political turmoil of the Mojave honestly features a lot of fascinating execution, juggling between disparate goals and soaring over the desert in style.
if you're looking for more Bethesda engine jankiness, Skyrim proved to be a crowd favorite with its horse tilts (WOOOOOOOOOOOO!! YEAAAAHHHH!!), and this also feels like the best place to point you towards Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, both for having a lot of the same runners bringing their vibes to the main stage, but also, in spirit, for featuring its own set of wildly optimized first-person movement.
Awful Block has held a special place in my heart for as long as i've been watching GDQs, and i'm happy to say that a rising tide truly does lift all boats, because i might argue it was better (awfuller? but in a good way?) than ever this year. there was an absolutely stacked lineup of bargain bin curiosities from every corner of the industry, and i'll absolutely shout them all out in that funny little box below, but i think the game that most immediately captured the spirit of Awful Block in my mind was, without a doubt, Golf With Your Grandmother. i try to go into Awful Block as blind as possible, so for the game to so immediately lay its joke out the instant the first level starts caught me off-guard and had me cackling, and i wasn't alone, as the shockingly lively 2am crowd reveled in the chaos, sincerely popping off for some astonishingly difficult grandmatricidal golf. if you ever wonder whether or not pulling the late night for these games is worth it, please, check out this run and join me in trying one day. if nothing else, i do now own a copy of Golf With Your Grandmother, at KingJO444's urging, and i can't wait to give it a shot myself.
just gonna rapid-fire some amazingly awful games i managed to stay awake for - Superman 64 needs no introduction and makes for a wild speedrun at 20% resolution, Bite Night skewed a little close to self-aware awfulness for my tastes but featured some amazing dancing, Rex Ronan: Experimental Surgeon featured the return of this cowboy commentator who keeps manifesting like a fever dream at every Awful Block and i'm still not sure if he's a figment of my imagination or not, and Inspector Gadget: Gadget's Crazy Maze is some grade-A classic PlayStation shovelware. i just about crashed out after such a high dosage of kusoge, but i implore you to keep watching more awful video games on your own time, too.
rhythm game showcases have rapidly carved out a niche for themselves at GDQs over the past few years, and while i always find them wildly impressive, i do also try to steer towards highlighting a wider variety of stuff that i can articulate my affection for, rather than constantly telling you "man, some people are really good at rhythm games and it puts my jaw on the floor every single time". i had no idea what CHUNITHM would be going into this run, and while i was prepared to be impressed, i still walked away having had an exceptionally good time. by featuring a rotating cast of three experts (broadcasting live from all the way over in Singapore), the team wound up with a wildly packed showcase, able to swap off and share different facets of expertise in their commentary, all while avoiding exhaustion so they could fit even more mind-boggling bangers in their setlist. it's one thing to be able to blow my mind with rhythm gaming, but to have essentially a full panel of masters explaining their craft, all while playing to impress each other just as much as the crowd, this showcase wound up with a whole new layer of enjoyment for me.
i absolutely have to shout-out AGDQ 2025's other major rhythm game showcase, jubeat copious APPEND, if only because it's wild to see PangaeaPanga, someone who in my mind is still "the really hard Mario Maker level guy", going absolutely berserk with full combo after full combo. of all the rhythm games i've seen on GDQ, jubeat feels like the one i have the closest chance of baseline B-grade competency at, and the love coming through in its showcase absolutely makes me want to track a cabinet down.
i've constantly worn my love for kaizo Mario on my sleeve - doubly so, back at SGDQ 2024 - so it should come as no surprise that all of the kaizo runs at AGDQ were must-see, plant-myself-in-the-nearest-seat viewing for me. in the case of Fresh Hops, it helps to have some of my absolute favorite runners and commentators handling things, grabbing and, indeed, regrabbing my attention throughout. Fresh Hops is a kaizo concept... album? concept hack? it's really hard Mario with all sorts of fun mechanics, and it has the thematic backbone of each level being named after a beer. i may not know a lot about beer, but i do know good kaizo when i see it, and this was an absolutely fantastic showcase of community creativity, player execution, and delightful commentary. Fresh Hops is truly my favorite game in the Celeste series, and seeing the next entry with a preview level from Fresh Hops 2 was a really cool way to wrap up the run.
the other two big kaizo Mario runs this time around were the shell-filled shenanigans of Super Sheffy World 2: The Quest for 5 Shells and the so-called "boomer kaizo" of Kaizo Mario World 3, and both were absolutely fantastic showcases in their own right, showing the breadth and beauty of how far kaizo has come as an artform!
as Evil Zone demonstrated back at SGDQ 2024, tournaments are a fun, thrilling strand of GDQ's DNA that doesn't necessarily make it front of the camera all that often, and it's been a real treat to see some of that coming to the surface with full bombastic main-stage treatment. the idea of doing a grab-bag of original PlayStation games - a lineup that's notably eclectic and runs the gamut from hidden gems to Irritating Stick - lends itself naturally to a chaotic blind tournament, and the games that the wheel chose for these finals really tap into some deep, rich veins of charming obscurity. i will be the first to tell you that Simple Series 1500: The Basket 1-on-1 Plus low-key seems like kind of a banger! i would play that game willingly, let alone in a blind tournament!
really, this tournament condenses a lot of fantastic aspects of GDQ to me. the random pulls lead to both first-time reactions and moments of "wait, this contestant is coincidentally probably the one person in the world who knows enough about this to play it well", and both of those lanes end up being pretty delightful to watch. i also want to take this moment to shout-out the team responsible for uploading these tournaments to YouTube - even i, with all my GDQ hyperfixations, didn't know they recorded the off-stream tournaments, and now they're all preserved right alongside the main runs, so if you want even more PS1 mystery goodness, go get it.
on top of the aforementioned archives of the full PS1 mystery bracket, i also want to point you towards two other amazing competitions that happened on the main stage. right before these finals, GDQ had the semi-recently released Nintendo World Championships on Switch, featuring a pretty dizzying burst of rapid-fire NES expertise, and if that's not enough NES for you, there was also the four-player Super Mario Bros. exhibition, featuring a few any% races utilizing some wild new technology to turn raw, real hardware NES data into a fascinating live play-by-play overlay.
i've mentioned before that i don't really have 'FromSoftware brain' - never played one of their games, don't think i have the impulse to start now. what i can tell you about, though, is bingo. as kitschy as it might sound, bingo is genuinely a thriving subculture of speedrunning, and one i hold a lot of fondness for. much in the same vein as a randomized run, bingo tests not just memorization and execution of an optimal route, but challenges runners' overall knowledge of their game of choice, asking them to route on the fly between a variety of not-quite-optimal goals. add in the competitive lockout element that creates a layer of meta-strategy around the bingo board, and you have, in my opinion, one of the most thrilling types of head-to-head speedrunning possible.
even as someone who barely knows anything about Elden Ring, this was an absolutely captivating showcase on all fronts. Mitchriz is an amazing expert who handily condensed years of Soulsborne wisdom into commentary that even a novice like me could follow, and both runners showed off such high-level play, not just in tackling Shadow of the Erdtree's bosses, but deftly sniping them off the board, sometimes literal seconds apart from each other despite complete isolation between the two. even if you're like me and don't know your Paleblood from your Tarnished or whatever the hell, i cannot recommend this run highly enough, and i don't think i can quite convey how exciting it was to hear adef allude to even more bingo on GDQ's horizon.
it's hard to really compare this to anything else on the schedule, but to reprise a little bit - this run was immediately followed up with Dr. Doot's showcase of Elden Ring on saxophone, and i think watching this bingo and getting in the right headspace to understand just how hard this level of execution is made it both runs all the sweeter as a pairing.
okay, so, if you've been anywhere near me or anyone else watching AGDQ 2025, you have already been told to watch this run. that being said, once more, with feeling - watch this run.
there's really so much going on here that i think makes it such a milestone moment for Games Done Quick as a whole. on the one hand, you have the circumstances - increasingly tight copyright enforcement on Twitch has put Crazy Taxi out of reach for ten whole years, and the lengths that chuckles825 and Limit Cutter have gone to make it viable again by performing the game's famous licensed soundtrack live on stage are nothing short of astounding. on the other hand, you have the production side of things. i cannot imagine GDQ even just a few short years ago having the confidence and prowess to turn the marathon into a live punk concert so seamlessly, and they really nailed having to make such a monumental shift, letting it shine as a special showcase rather than disrupting their flow.
it helps that while Crazy Taxi has plenty of technical aspects going on under the hood, it's also a run that largely speaks for itself, allowing the band the space to rock out, not just belting out All I Want but cutting themselves off just as quickly to pivot right into the menu music with each level cleared. i also need to shout-out the fact that, unless i'm mistaken, everyone in the band is also a speedrunner? like, what an amazing way to bring the community together, not just over a game but over a shared musical talent. this showcase is the type of thing that shows how GDQ can provide runners with not just a fresh new audience, but also the creative bandwidth to do huge high-concept runs like this. this is, to my knowledge, the first GDQ run with a mosh pit, and it absolutely rules.
there's honestly really nothing quite like this one, huh? if you liked this, go listen to The Offspring's 1997 album Ixnay on the Hombre, i guess. certainly wouldn't mind buying a Limit Cutter cover EP one of these days.
this one's gonna be a doozy, because the whole schedule was so thoroughly packed that i still feel like i'm skimming the surface a little bit. Kirby Air Ride was an early tour de force with its solo commentary and four simultaneous controllers, UFO 50 was a fantastic mini-marathon of retro throwbacks that reminded me how badly i need to pick that game up, Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS was a fun peek into a weird corner of Mario history, and Dumpy and Bumpy takes home the awards for both "most unexpected game i now want to try" and "best name for a video game, not just at GDQ, just in general".
on top of that, there's two honorable mentions who i'd like to give a little extra honor on top. i'm pulling out my creme brulee torch and giving these mentions a fancy, luxurious layer of honor on top. it's fancy.
the first of these would be Block Dude, which is a big first for GDQ, and not just in the very obvious way where it's a game being run on a calculator. this was the first run where production was handled by the interstitial team, and that might not sound like a big deal, but for someone who cares a lot about the little technical details of a week-long marathon, it shows! the lighting and camera work is actually really good - absolutely bizarre thing to say about a GDQ run, but it's true! given the context of how excited the team sounds about their future, i expect to see a little more of this type of thing in the future, in terms of being able to play with the format a bit more. i'm not sure how much of these bells and whistles i'd want out of a major hours-long showcase, but i do feel like in a year or two, Block Dude will be like, this watershed moment where in hindsight, some really amazing technical development in GDQ as a live video production will be traced all the way back to this run being done semi-jokingly on a random Thursday afternoon.
the second would have to be Tetris: The Grand Master, which has shown up here and there on the GDQ stage throughout the years, but for it to be done so smoothly while transitioning from PS4 to arcade hardware feels like a flex of that newly strengthened production pipeline. like, the video archive is edited down a bit to remove the gap, but something that might have taken half an hour to do in the olden days felt like it got done in five minutes. i mean, way way more importantly, wow, some people are really good at Tetris, but i needed a little extra leg room to give the tech team their props before getting into how i think my brain would short-circuit if i tried to play Tetris at these speeds, let alone talk at the same time.
both mainline GDQ marathons in 2024 were already some of the best i'd ever seen out of them, but in the most positive way possible, i can see now that those weren't even a fraction of what was possible. all the hard work that's gone into running these events smoothly has been polished to a mirror sheen, and with the growing pains largely shaken off, we're getting things you'd never expect to see at a Games Done Quick marathon. GDQ has held a special place in speedrunning culture for years as a massive community gathering and a place to showcase your specific niche to the world, but now more than ever, it feels like the size of the stage isn't just about the prestige or the audience, but about the room to execute fresh, exciting showcases of what you love. the excitement from everyone involved, from the organizers to the runners to the crowd, all felt like it leapt off the screen and made me feel so thrilled to be here for this, even from a distance.
as i mentioned at the top of all of this, it's been a very difficult time in the world. i don't like getting overly specific about it, but... i mean, you live in it just as much as i do, you know what's up. GDQ's firm stances on inclusivity have always meant a lot to me, given how often gaming culture swerves into a far worse direction, but now more than ever, seeing an event that so proudly stands by the communities that built it up genuinely got to me, on a very personal, emotional level. if anything, i think this is part of why the Crazy Taxi run hit as hard as it did - right now, even if we're a bunch of dorks fixated on playing video games fast, there's something a little punk, a little radical in all senses of the word, to continue putting your foot down, to continue loudly standing by LGBTQ+ runners, to continue building a space that pools together hundreds of sub-communities and focuses their collective energy on putting something good into a rough world. maybe i'm getting a little overly sappy, but now more than ever, i kind of needed an event like AGDQ in my life.
all that being said, even if i could go on about the sappy sentimentality, about the personal meaning and the feeling of seeing familiar faces step up into busier behind-the-scenes roles, the overwhelming feeling i get when i look forward is excitement. they had a live band up there this time. what could they do next? what's the next big bingo run? how much more stacked can a GDQ schedule get? what wild idea am i not even thinking of right now, that'll feel blindingly obvious when it becomes my next favorite run at SGDQ in July?
and, on top of all of this... i gotta go, at least once. at least once! i've put out feelers about this, and the sense i get is that i might want to get into a speedrunning community in a more hands-on way if i want to make the most of the trip, but with all the emotions this event has pulled out of me over the last seven years, now more than ever, i feel like that might be a hurdle worth crossing, a hurdle i might be personally equipped to handle. this isn't me saying "see you in July", but it is me saying i have a tab open ready to install LiveSplit after this article goes up. maybe that's just that post-New Year's manic energy flowing through me, but i think especially right now, i can really say GDQ means enough to me to give it a go, somehow.