AGDQ 2025
ODD ZONE // added 1•12•25
let's start the year with more quick games - better quick games than ever, maybe? it's the top ten and then some!

GAME ZONE // added 11•21•24
less mainstream gaming and more downstream fishing! learn more about how this weird little chatroom game made a splash and captured my heart.

MOVIE ZONE // added 10•2•24
you know i had to talk about it - how's that new Transformers movie?

HOBBY ZONE // started 4•29•24
after months on the backburner, the toy gallery pages are open! come check out a comprehensive digital catalog of HYPERFIXT's robots in disguise!
HYPERFIXT is an old-school blog powered by neocities.org, covering a cavalcade of subjects that i find interesting! whether it's long-form media analysis, personal hobbies, essays, or just something neat i found and felt like talking about - if i find it interesting, i'll post about it. no search engine optimizations, no putting myself through something for the sake of clicks. nothing but things i care enough to say something about.
if you're looking for a place to jump in, look on the left for HYPERFIXT's nav bar! hopefully you'll find something to your liking. if you do, and you decide you want to support the site, then you have a few options at your disposal. you can drop me a tip over on Ko-fi, or you can just send the site to someone who you think might find it interesting. HYPERFIXT is a one-person operation being run primarily as a hobby, so word of mouth is one of the best ways to show that you like the type of thing i'm doing here!